


BSc (Hons) Building Services Engineering (Top-Up)

awarded by Leeds Beckett University, UK (Reg. No.: 252353)


Course Features

Introduction to the Course

The BSc (Hons) Building Services Engineering (top-up) is a part-time course concerned with the study of building services design set in the context of energy efficiency and the carbon reduction agenda.

The application of Building Services Engineering is multi-disciplinary and it is envisaged that, as in the professional world, graduates will carry out project work, which will facilitate dialogue with other members of the design and management teams. It is the development of novel technological and engineering solutions in meeting the carbon reduction agenda within the often contradictory constraints of economy and the law, which contribute to the academic challenge of the course.

As a result the course is characterised by parallel themes of management and project work. The management theme will develop students’ capabilities to take a managerial role in the field of Building Services Engineering, whilst the project modules will provide scope for integrative studies on practical engineering and design situations.

Medium of Instruction


Course Structure

Each module is worth 20 credit points except Major Design Project (double module, 40 credits). The whole top up course comprises 120 credits. Each 20 credit points module spans over a semester. There are three semesters per year:

Semester A : September to December

Semester B : January to April

Semester S : May to August

The entire course comprises 120 credit points.  The following modules are offered:


FHEQ Level 6

Module Credits
1 Building Services Systems 20
2 Intelligent Buildings 20
3 Low Carbon Buildings and Renewables 20
4 Financial & Commercial Management 20
5 Major Design Project 40
Total 120


Entry Requirements

  • Completion of Higher Diploma in Building Services, Mechanical or Electrical Engineering or equivalent;or
  • Completion of other qualification and experience within the industry e.g. Higher Diploma in Electronic Engineering, Higher Diploma in Environmental Engineering, Higher Diploma in Industrial Engineering, Higher Diploma in Manufacturing, Higher Diploma in Intelligent Buildings and Automation Engineering plus relevant working experiences; or
  • Mature applicants of at least 21 years of age with working experience who can show evidence of project undertaken, roles, duties and responsibilities in relevant industries (e.g. Building Services Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering Electronic Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Manufacturing, Intelligent Buildings and Automation Engineering etc.) will be considered on case-by-case basis. Applicants will normally be interviewed. The interview will be conducted in English and applicants should pass the interview.
  • AND English language proficiency requirement: HKDSE Level 4; or HKCEE Grade C; or HKALE Grade E; or IELTS 6.0 with no skills below 5.5 or equivalent; or Applicants whose first language is not English with certificated qualifications, professional qualifications and/or appropriate work experiences will be considered and accepted e.g. a Certificate or Diploma at HKQF Level 4 or above wholly delivered in the English language.


Course Fee (2025/26)

Year of Entry Total Course Fee Number of installment
Year 3 entry HK$84,500 6


It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which this course may lead.

Classes may be scheduled on weekdays evening, Saturdays, Sundays and / or public holidays.

AIBE reserves the right of cancelation of programme due to insufficient enrolment number or special circumstances and the right of granting an offer.

AIBE reserves the right to modify, discontinue or terminate the promotion reward at any time without prior notice. In the event of dispute, the decision of AIBE shall be final and conclusive. For more details, please refer to the Terms & Conditions.