Course materials created and or provided by Leeds Beckett University, including lecture notes and other additional materials related to your course and provided to you, whether electronically or in hard copy, as part of your study, are the property of (or licensed to) Leeds Beckett University and MUST not be distributed, sold, published, made available to others or copied other than for your personal study use unless you have gained express written permission to do so from the Dean of School. This applies to the materials in their entirety and to any part of the materials. (English Version only)
由亞洲建築環境學院提供及/或製作的課堂資料及內容:包括但不限於任何電子版本及印刷版本的課堂講義、工作紙、影片、錄音及其他附加教材的全部及部分 (以下簡稱「本校教材」),均受知識產權保護。本校教材的知識產權由亞洲建築環境學院持有,在得到亞洲建築環境學院 /亞洲建築環境學院有限公司的書面許可前,任何人均不得分發、販賣、發佈、轉載及影印(自修用途除外)。