Outstanding AIBE Alumni Award 2024
We are happy to announce the Outstanding AIBE Alumni Award (AIBE傑出校友獎) is newly introduced this year.
The Award will be conferred during AIBE Graduation Ceremony 2024 on 4 August 2024.
Eligible awardees will be rewarded:
- a trophy
- sponsorship of annual membership fee of one recognized professional body* (1-year)
- prize of HK$5,000
(*This sponsorship will be reimbursed upon receiving the receipt issued by the recognized professional body in 2023-2024.
Recognized professional bodies include AIIB/ ASHRAE/ BSOMES/ CABE/ CIH APB or CIH/ CIBSE/ CIWEM/ HIREA/ HKIE/ HKIFM/ HKIQPE/ IAEE/ IET/ IFMA/ IMechE/ IPlantE/ PMSA/ SOE)
Open to AIBE alumni who have obtained the qualification of Chartered Engineer OR PMP Tier 1.
Other outstanding achievements or honors that may be considered and accepted by AIBE.
If you are interested in applying for the award, please fill in the form below on or before 5 April 2024.
You are also welcome to nominate your classmates to apply for this award, please fill in the form below on or before 5 April 2024.
Assessment Criteria:
Academic Performance
Contributions to AIBE
Professional Development
Contributions to Industry and Society
Awardees in 2024 (in alphabetical order):
Chan Ka Ho
Cheng Yat Wing
Kung King Sze
Lam Tsz Kai Charles
Shum Lap Ming Peter
AIBE reserves the right to modify, discontinue or terminate the promotion reward at any time without prior notice. In the event of dispute, the decision of AIBE shall be final and conclusive. For more details, please refer to the Terms & Conditions.
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